Sunday, October 4, 2009

Why I love my credit union

Years ago, while working my way though college I stumbled into a banking job. There were some perks to working for a “big bank”, like learning the ins and outs of the finance world. After 3 years I had worked my way up to the title of personal banker. I loved this position, at least at first. I felt like I was really helping people. After about 6 months a big ball of reality blind sided me. My job was not about helping, it was about selling. It was about selling whatever the trend product was at the time. I hit one of my lowest points when I was ordered to walk around a college campus targeting new students, enticing them with candy bars to fill out credit card applications. It felt ethically slimy. Shortly after that, I transferred to a different branch.

At my new branch my eyes were forced open even wider. I soon learned that the “big bank” not only held no regard for it’s customers but also cared very little for it’s employees. Our branch went through 3 robberies in a 6 month period. There were even shots fired at the last one. The “big banks” response was to put a 70 something year old unarmed guard in the building part time; and move us up from number 8 to number 6 on the “at risk” list. That’s when I quit

The last robbery had left me needing about 6 months of intense therapy and a fun little title of PTSD. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason… My husband thought that he needed to get me out of the house at least once a week, so we started bowling (I even have my own shoes). We soon made friends with a family that would meet up every Saturday for some bowling in the dark. That’s where I met Bobbie. Bobbie told me all about this fabulous credit union that she worked for and insisted that I would love working for them too.

I knew from the start that I had wasted so much time at the “big bank”. Verity was about their members first. While still making sound business decisions we were never ordered to push any one product, but trusted to find the members need and help them with it. The members loved us too. I’ll never forget, one of my favorites, she hand knit me a baby blanket when she found out that I was pregnant. I’ve used it for all three kids. After working in such a hostile environment for so long, the change to Verity was like coming home.

I know that my story is a little dramatic, however, I have heard similar stories time and time again. People getting fed up with poor customer service and then finding refuge in their credit union. So I ask why? Why wouldn’t you use a credit union over a “big bank”? For the most part they have better rates, they are just as safe, they are totally accessible (with shared branching), and most importantly, they are all about you.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Last Confessions...

I want to put it all out there (series three)

-I have a hard time toning it down when I’m excited
-I won’t get a dog because I don’t think we are responsible enough… how
  did we get 3 kids?
-I cut my son's hair because I don’t want to pay for it
-I cut my husbands hair because he doesn't want to pay for it
-I do anything for quite time, including paying the bills
-I hate the way my husband mows the lawn
-I love people watching… you people should watch what you do
-I believe in making friends with everyone I meet
-I love small town parades
-I believe in saying yes first
-I like to raise money for good causes
-I don’t like whiners
-I can remember exactly where I sat in Kindergarten
-I can’t remember if I put deodorant on this morning
-I make a lot of lists
-I still play pretend… in my head
-I love budget planning
-I am crafty
-I believe with all my heart that I would make the perfect Verity Mom!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The gift of gab

Today I worked in the nursery at my daughters preschool. There were three adults in there, all talkers and only 6 kids. It was a fun morning. Two and a half hours of sharing. We talked about everything from grocery store coupons to childhood cancer. By the end of our time together something dawned on me, women like to share things.

As moms we sometimes feel like our voices don’t get heard. After all, who wants to hear about how you found your favorite laundry detergent a whole dollar cheaper somewhere, or that the latest greatest discipline technique is nothing more than hype. Other moms want to hear, that’s who. As moms we have an unspoken sisterhood of knowing that we have all been “there” or will be at some point. We want to feel useful, smart, and taken seriously. We want to be heard, and because we want to be heard we talk. We talk to our kids, we talk to our husbands… but lets be honest, they’re not listening. So, we talk to other moms.

Moms like to listen too. As a new mom I can remember talking to a telemarketer for close to an hour one day. I was so thrilled to talk to another adult that I didn’t care that they were trying to sell me something. I listened to their whole speech on why I needed to buy magazines from their company and by the end not only decided to support their charity but also told several friends about them (I support mothers against drunk driving M.A.D.D.). Since that time I have learned that by simply listening to other moms and their tips I can save a lot of time, money, and anguish.

That is why I feel so much bra burning excitement for Verity Credit Union's Verity Mom competition. This competition has so far, proven to be an incredible marketing campaign with a message to all business’s out there. Mother's matter. All three of us women (the finalists) have a lot to say and offer. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to go to and place your vote. It’s not just a vote for Verity Credit Union.s next spokesperson, but a vote to say a mothers voice can be heard in the big world of business.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mothers Laws

#1. You can’t be at your computer the moment that the top 3 finalists are announced for Verity Mom. Your mom promises to call you the moment it is announced (should be 9 AM). 9 o’clock comes and goes… 9:05 comes and goes… 9:10 comes, and goes. The sinking feeling that you have not made it starts to set in, because you know the only reason Mom wouldn’t call is if she didn’t want to let you down. At 9:15 you get the courage to call her… she answers… SCREAMING!!!
Moms Law: The moment it really counted, your mom became completely technologically inept and couldn’t figure out how to refresh a computer screen or dial a cell phone.
Daughters Law: Still love ya mom!

#2. You get an email from Verity Credit Union asking you to make a 4 minute video with specific criteria, and you have 6 days to do it. At the same time you are looking at your calendar, noticing that you have 3 school meetings, one church meeting, and a phone conference scheduled in the next two days.
Moms Law: On the third day when you are finally shooting the video you look like a pale raccoon with strung out hair and a wrinkled shirt. This doesn’t seem to make other women want to be interviewed by you, nor does it look any better with a pound of make-up and good lighting.

#3. On the fourth day of no sleep and serious raccoon eyes you finally have convinced enough moms to be on your video and it is now ready edit.
Moms Law: Your computer crashes.

#4. Your nickname is Grandma because you drive like a turtle. After dropping your son off at school you are for the first time in days not feeling rushed.
Moms Law: You get your very first speeding ticket.

#5. It’s Saturday morning and your husband is at work. All three kids want something different for breakfast, and you are having a hard time finding a shirt to wear that doesn’t smell like spit-up. Then, you realize that you read the email from Verity Credit Union wrong and the video is suppose to be 3 minutes… lots of editing to do.
Moms Law: An agent calls to let you know he will be showing your house in 20 minutes.

#6. You’ve always disliked Murphy and his laws… what a pessimist!
Moms Law: After thinking about your last week you realize that he may have been on to something.

More Confessions…

I want to put it all out there (series two)

-I can’t sing (but I keep trying)
-I’m just under 5 ft. tall
-I have a lot of grey hair
-I have a serious love for honey mustard
-I haven’t used the post office to pay a bill in 4 years
-I’m allergic to cats
-I grew up in Gig Harbor
-I’m CPR certified
-I get a little sick at the sight of snot
-I love the outdoors
-I can’t help but smile when I say my kids names
-I still want to be your Verity Mom!

YouTube - theSimsonator's Channel

I've been pouring myself into the Verity Mom campaign and it's been a lot of fun. I have to admit that I haven't been as attentive as I usually am to my family, but we've still managed to get out and have a little fun in the last 3 weeks...

YouTube - theSimsonator's Channel

Remember to get your votes in at by October 4th

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My miracle

Dear Lilly,

Tomorrow you hit the big seven. Seven months that is, and I'm sad. You are my baby, my last, my angel. I know I call you grumpy and tell everyone how feisty you are, but I hope you know that I love every second of it. The last seven months have flown by, and I want to write this all down before I forget.

October 22 of 2006 I woke up cross eyed and weak. Sounds kinda funny but it was scary. Your daddy took me to the emergency room where for hours on end we went over all the possibilities. They told me it could be anything from a hemorrhage, to a stroke, to MS. Test by test kept coming back negative or inconclusive. After a few days in the hospital I was sent home with no answers and an eye patch (I was so glad that it was almost Halloween). Six weeks later I went through a series of tests with a specialist that looked over all the tests I had been through, he told your daddy and I that I had had a stroke.

You're to little to understand now but by the time you read this you will know that mommy was too young and healthy to have had a stroke. This diagnosis lead to many more tests and specialists trying to figure out why. After almost a year of this I gave up. The doctors told me that sometimes "things" just happen. This was devastating for me, I'm not a quitter, and I like to have answers.

Your daddy and I had always planned on having 4 kids, but we were coming to the realization that we were going to have to let that dream go. Once we were finally okay with the decision to be done having kids, we decided that we weren't done helping kids. So, we started the classes and paperwork to become foster parents. We were half way through the foster parenting class's when we found out that we were pregnant with you.

I was scared but your daddy was strong. He kept telling me that everything happens for a reason, we just had to wait to find it. After about 4 weeks of seeing the baby doctor we got our reason. The doctor ran a blood test that had not yet been checked, and he found that I have a rare blood condition. I will never forget his words that day: "your baby has saved your life, it would have been only a matter of time before you had another stroke".

You are meant for great things Lilly. You have been finding answers and creating peace since before you were even born. You are my true miracle and I am so grateful to have you. I know that there will be fights, and at times I will get mad at you, and at times you will think you hate me. You're allowed, life wouldn't be as good without a little passion, but know this: I love you with all my heart! You are my angel and I promise to watch over you, just like you have been watching over me.

Love you,